Edition 2022
Edition 2022
Medal of the President of the Republic of Italy
Fiorino d’Oro della Città di Firenze
MAM Prize (Maestro d’Arte e Mestiere) Supporter of Artistic Trades
Ministero della Cultura
Tuscany Region
Metropolitan City of Florence
Municipality of Florence
Fondazione CR Firenze
Camera di Commercio di Firenze
World Crafts Council Europe
ADI Toscana
ADSI Association Dimore Storiche Italiane
Associazione Giardino Corsini
Under the aegis of the

28th Edition
From 16 to 18 September 2022, ARTIGIANATO E PALAZZO, the exhibition promoted by the Association Associazione Giardino Corsini, of which Sabina Corsini is the president, returns to the Giardino Corsini in Florence, together with Neri Torrigiani, creator and organizer of the exhibition which, every year, turns the spotlight on an original new selection by over 90 representatives of the highest artisan tradition, with particular focus on the emerging generations, selected from Italy and Europe.
The journey proposed by ARTIGIANATO E PALAZZO is unprecedented, and involves some of the main players in the artisan culture of yesterday and today – from craftsmen to art designers, following a route that winds through the Limonaie (orangeries) of the Renaissance Garden and a number of locations in the Palazzo Corsini which, animated by exhibitions, installations, workshops and events, offers an opportunity to reflect on the role of the craftsman in contemporary society. Atmospheres that become the subjects of the new communication campaign this year entrusted to the designs of Paolo Fiumi, Florentine architect, theatrical set designer and illustrator whose designs have appeared in the best fashion magazines over the last few years.
Meetings Exhibitions Debates
Three days, organized by ARTIGIANATO E PALAZZO, where you can discover the masterpieces the new selection of over of over 90 master craftsmen; meet the young people selected by the “Blogs&Crafts Europe”; understanding the preciousness of a leather worked with vegetable tanning in the “Mostra Principe”, this year dedicated to Consorzio Vera Pelle Italiana Conciata al Vegetale; assistere agli the Genuine Italian Vegetable-Tanned Leather Consortium; attend meetings in the Giardinetto delle Rose, including presentation of the results of a study conducted as part of the “Kindness and Sustainability” project; listen to Annamaria Tossani and her new guests during the “Family Recipes” events and taste the dishes created by the chef-teachers of the Florence Cordon Bleu School of Culinary Arts in the kitchen set up by Casta and served to the public on hand-decorated porcelain plates by Fornasetti, from the iconic “Tema e Variazioni” series; visit the new Artex exhibition dedicated to Tuscan excellences in the Focus space Toscana Promozione in the “Boschereccia” of Palazzo Corsini; travel with the imagination among the exhibitors from Central region of the Loire Valleyadmire, under the Loggia, the installations by the carpentry workshop of the Community of San Patrignano in the completely new set-up curated by Cosimo Boncianiand learn many artisan techniques, for young and old, in the free outdoor workshops.
ARTIGIANATO E PALAZZO is made possible thanks to the contribution of Fondazione CR Firenze, Camera di Commercio di Firenze, Fondazione Ferragamo, Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte, Michelangelo Foundation, Baratti&Milano and in collaboration with Artex Centro per l’Artigianato Artistico, Toscana Promozione, School of Culinary Art Cordon Bleu Firenze, Casta Cucine, Fornasetti, IED Istituto Europeo di Design, Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, Guri I Zi, Badiani 1932, Starhotels, 25 Hours Hotels, La Ménagère.
Thanks to Intesa Sanpaolo, Principe Corsini.

Mostra Principe
The “Mostra Principe” at this 28th edition is entitled “TANNERS. Heirs of a major art” . Set up in the Ballroom of the Palazzo Corsini, it is dedicated to theCONSORZIO VERA PELLE ITALIANA CONCIATA AL VEGETALE (Genuine Italian Vegetable-Tanned Leather Consortium)which, founded in 1994 by a small group of Tuscan tanners, today brings together 20 tanneries, producers of vegetable-tanned leather, operating in the provinces of Florence and Pisa, the only area in the world recognized for this particular type of high-quality processing which is deeply-rooted in Tuscan tradition.
Visitors to ARTIGIANATO E PALAZZO will be able to learn the secrets of an ancient processing technique that, now as then, uses only wood extracts (Chestnut, Quebracho, Tara and Mimosa) in the slow vegetable tanning process that transforms rawhide into leather.
In Tuscany, vegetable tanning is a prodigious process, an alchemy of ingredients entrusted to the skilled hands of the tanners, who carefully blend natural tannins extracted from trees, the good local water and the passage of time, their greatest ally. It is a process that requires patience and experience, helped by technology while respecting tradition. The result is a natural leather that never goes out of fashion, aimed at those looking for high quality and a style that becomes personalized over time.
The CONSORZIO VERA PELLE ITALIANA CONCIATA AL VEGETALE is a non-profit organization that works to protect this centuries-old tradition, conserve a typically Tuscan product, guarantee the quality of the raw materials and superior workmanship and promote a processing method that has always accompanied man throughout history and looks to the future..
It carries out a multitude of activities: scientific studies and historical research, exhibitions, conferences, technical seminars, practical workshops and training projects for young designers and students of fashion and design schools.
Over time, the Consortium has worked to build a product culture orchestrated in events that have linked craftsmanship to art in evocative settings such as the Guggenheim Museum in New York or the Centre Pompidou in Paris, helping to affirm the prestige of Made in Tuscany.
The Genuine Italian Vegetable-Tanned Leather Consortium is the exclusive owner of the Pelle Conciata al Vegetale in Toscana brand.
The Fund Raising
La RACCOLTA FONDI “GIAMBOLOGNA E LA FATA MORGANA” è stata organizzata a favore del prezioso complesso monumentale della Fonte della Fata Morgana, immerso ai piedi del colle di Fattucchia nel comune di Bagno a Ripoli.
Part of the 35,000 euros already raised was used for the creation of the copy of the Giambologna statue entrusted to restorer Filippo Tattini, but the hope of the Corsini Garden Association is to see the Municipality of Bagno a Ripoli open the construction site for the architectural recovery of this extraordinary complex as soon as possible and to be able to contribute within the restoration of the basin, the floor and the restoration of the wall decorations.
The future of craftsmanship
Also this year the contest crosses national borders and opens up to Europe and beyond in the selection of 12 “Crafts” under 35 thanks to the collaboration with the World Crafts Council Europe. The collaboration with the Fondazione Ferragamo who organizes for the participants a private visit to the Salvatore Ferragamo Archive, guardian of the company’s tradition and of that craftsmanship so dear to its founder. Florence Chamber of Commerce is offering BLOGS & CRAFTS 2022 participants a meeting on “How to become your own entrepreneuri” organized by PromoFirenze. Finally, crafts from abroad, guests of ARTIGIANATO E PALAZZO and gathered in the exhibition area of the “Scuderie” of Palazzo Corsini, are welcomed for the entire duration of their stay in Florence by 25 hours hotel.
To the selected influencers, who will support the young emerging artisans, the task of telling live blogging about the exhibition on their social channels. The group of young talents invited to Florence is hosted by Starhotels and La Ménagère.
"Crafts" winner
“Gozo Weaving” di Christian Muscat – macramè – MALTA
Hugh Byrne Knives – coltelli – IRLANDA
Louise Mc Keever – vimini e paglia – FRANCIA
Moeki Yamada – tessitura – SPAGNA
Teio Ceramics di Teona Gorgiashvili – ceramica – GEORGIA
Atelier Volante – cartapesta – VENEZIA
“Keramô Ceramic” di Giulia Bonora – ceramica – VARESE
“Macavè” di Marianna Capuano – vetro – SALERNO
“Margart” di Margherita Sala – lampade -MILANO
Algranti Lab di Pietro Algranti – recupero – MILANO
Bernardo Bespoke Shoes di Bernardo Bartalesi – scarpe su misura – FIRENZE
Dalwin Designs – design – MILANO
"Blogs" winner
Anna Pernice anna_pernice
Silvia Fornacini @viaggioanimamente
Lucia Coseddu @unasardafralenuvole
Anna Scrigni @anna.scrigni
Luca Cerfolini @cerfolo
Stefania Mangé @stefaniamanfre
Francesca Polizzi @francesca.polizzi
Valentina Messina @lamentina
Lorenzo Concas @lore2984
Costanza Cappelli @la_connie
Lisa Brancatisano @thistuscanlife
Family Recipes
“The crime is served” is the title of the 2022 edition of RICETTE DI FAMIGLIA, curated by the food and wine journalist Annamaria Tossani.
The awaited afternoon appointment of ARTIGIANATO E PALAZZO (Giardinetto delle Rose)scheduled from 16 to 18 September in the Garden of Palazzo Corsini in Florence features four of the most important Italian crime writers: Patrizia Debicke Van Der Noot, Lucio Nocentini, Marco Vichi e Enzo Fileno Carabba.
The recipes presented in the “mystery writers” books will be cooked by the chefs of the Cordon Bleu School of Culinary Art in Florence, with the precious contribution of its founders Cristina Blasi and Gabriella Mari, on the professional kitchen set up by Casta. At the end, the public will be able to taste the prepared recipes served in the exclusive Fornasetti porcelain plates of the “Tema e Variazioni” series, finely decorated by hand.
For each meeting, a book corner will be set up for the firmcopie by Brac.
Every day at 6:00 pm, Giardinetto delle Rose (Corsini Garden)
Friday 16th September 2022
L’eredità medicea. Vittima…o carnefice? ed.Tea
Saturday 17th September 2022
Tutti insieme assassinatamente. ed. Delos Digital
Sunday 18th September 2022
Non tutto è perduto ed. Guanda
Il digiunatore, ed. Ponte alle Grazie

“Kindness and Sustainability”
A STUDY As part of this project, ARTIGIANATO E PALAZZO carried out a study with Irene Ivoi, eco-designer and industrial designer, among artisans and designers of small and sophisticated productions to find out which topics set out in “Kindness and Sustainability 2021” are closest to their hearts, with a commitment to return adequate vertical answers in the future.
The results of the study, also obtained thanks to the active involvement of partners Artex, ADI Toscana, Centrinno, ZeroW, ALIA, OmA, Michelangelo Foundation, Fondazione Cologni, MIDA and Comune di Firenze – were presented during ARTIGIANATO E PALAZZO on Friday 16 September at 4.00 pm in the Giardinetto delle Rose.
See the results of the questionnaire